Development of procedures for welding metal materials

Authors of the publication: Leždík, V., Mičian, M., Škybraha, J., Bohinský, J.
Year of publication: 2006

Cena:The price: 22 € | (20 € bez DPH)

Obsah knihy

The publication Creation of procedures for welding metal materials is a comprehensive work in which one of the ways of approving the welding procedure for a specific type of weld joint of the welded structure of the gas exchanger is explained through the presentation of the results of many years of practical experience of the authors.

The book is mainly intended for industry workers who work in the fields of welding technology, especially beginning welding engineers, one of whose activities is precisely the field of determining welding procedures. The publication is designed in such a way that it can be used to its full extent as a university textbook for students of technical universities in study programs focused on welding and welding processes in all three levels of higher education.


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